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ETS for Soil

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PIC Perelandra Information Center Unless you're a gardener, it's pretty easy to ignore soil. But it's actually an important element in all our lives. We walk on it, we sit on it, we barbeque on it, we build on it; we move it around, we plant in it, we manage it and mow over it, we put highways over it, we create ponds and lakes in it . . . it's the foundation of our planet and it is the underlying support for everything we do.

Soil is a universe unto itself with a wide range of elements, layers, microbes, insects and animals that make up that universe — all of which link together in a highly cooperative manner to form soil.

ETS for Soil Brochure  If you are growing plants or trees, you want the soil to be of the highest quality. And this is where ETS for Soil comes in. It performs a magic that has to be seen to be believed. ETS for Soil is for those working with natural environments on any scale. An instruction brochure is included.

Note: Between fall and spring is a vital time to work on the strength and balance of your soil.

Supporting your soil is not just for gardeners! Learn More: Nature Shift for Soil Balancing

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