
Security and Privacy Notices

At Perelandra, we have always kept our customer information private. Your name and address are never rented, sold or traded to others. Your phone number is used only for calls responding to your questions, for addressing problems with orders or in response to your direct requests. The Perelandra mailing list remains, as always, for our use only.

This same spirit of respect for the privacy of our customers extends to our website. Details about our online privacy policy are below. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Information we collect online and how we use it.
You will find requests for customer information in the following areas of our site:

Order Checkout
Ordering online requires that you provide your name, billing address, shipping address, phone number, email, credit card information.We adhere to all security standards on the web and we meet or exceed all PCI Compliance requirements.

Catalog Requests
We will need your name and address if you'd like us to mail a paper catalog to you!

Unless you request otherwise, when you order from us or request a catalog, we add your name to our mailing list. We use this list only for Perelandra Catalog mailings and the rare announcement about new Perelandra offerings. The majority of our announcements are sent only by email.

Contact Us and Forum Question Submission
When you send a comment, suggestion or question to us through our online forms, we will collect your name, email address and your message. When needed, we will reply to the email address you provide.

Email Subscription
When you choose to sign up for our email list service, we will use your email address to send announcements about new products, sales specials and articles by Machaelle or our staff, with information, tips and suggestions for working with the Perelandra information and products. You can unsubscribe at any time, by clicking on "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any of these emails, or by calling us with your request.

When you visit our site, our web server recognizes your ISP domain name, but does not register your location, email address or any other personal information about you that is not offered voluntarily.

How We Use eMail
After you place an order on our site, you will receive an email confirmation. You will receive this confirmation only if you have correctly provided your email address (required) during checkout. A second email will be sent when your order is shipped. We may also use email to ask for clarification on an order or to let you know of a problem with your order. And, if you send us questions or requests, we may respond by email. Placing an order does not automatically add your email to our Operation EarthSave email service. You must expressly request to be added through the sign-up form, by sending an email to us or by phone. Note: If you aren't seeing our emails, check your spam folder(s).

Information Storage and Security
When you order online from Perelandra, your customer information is stored using state-of-the-art security techniques. We also always use secure industry-standard encryption technology when transferring and receiving customer order-related data.

Credit card transactions are handled securely by PAYA, a top provider of payment processing in the US. Paya's Acumatica integration adheres to PCI DSS requirements. Credit card information may be stored with your account at your request. Your credit card data is securly encrypted and accessible only by you when you sign in to your Perelandra account with your username and your password.

Cookies — What They Are and How We Use Them  

A cookie is a small file that we store on your computer. It contains a unique numeric ID based on your ISP. The cookies we use are very limited in their functions. Our cookies currently allow us to gather non-personal information about how visitors move around and use our site. The only personal data we obtain is what you voluntarily provide when you submit a question, request a catalog or place an order. We do not use cookies to gather any other data from your browser or your computer. The data we collect is for your benefit and is used solely to provide you with the service(s) you request.

Note: We are in the process of updating our system to require new visitors to give permission for use of the cookies providing non-personal information, or to disable them altogether.

A cookie is also dessert item that comes in many flavors. Our favorite cookies are homemade, have a lot of chocolate in them and little or no wheat products. If you would like to get on our good side, you can send us these cookies.

To limit catalogs and announcements or remove your name from our mailing list.
If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, just contact us and let us know. We will be happy to honor your request.

To obtain or change your account information.
Upon request, we will provide you with access to all information, that we obtain about you and how you interact with our website. Contact us to request this information.